Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing Course Peshawar Pakistan

Peshawar’s First 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 center 💻
✅Now a days Every Business Need Digital Marketing and Demand of Digital Marketers.
✅ We are started Complete 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 Physical & Practical Classes & Hand on Practice.
✅ And after Training 𝟐 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 internship and Must Complete 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭, After that we give Internship Letter and Course Completion Certificates.
✅ Sell Your Services or Products through Digital Marketing from anywhere. Because Future of Businesses Is Digital Marketing.
✅𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞:
☑️Digital Marketing Fundamentals
☑️Website Planning & Creation (WordPress)
☑️Google Adwords PPC
☑️Social Media Marketing
☑️Search Engine Optimization & Marketing
☑️Mobile Marketing (App Store Optimization)
☑️Lead Generation
☑️Display Advertising
☑️Ecommerce Marketing (Social Commerce)
☑️Affiliate Marketing
☑️Online Advertisement Planning & Strategy
☑️Email Marketing Automation
☑️Freelancing (Get Paying Clients)
☑️Sales Funnels
☑️Google Analytics & Tag Manager
☑️Blogging & Adsense and More…

Apply Form For Digital Marketing Course

digital marketing course peshawar

The goal of this training is to teach participants how to strategically plan a digital marketing campaign, including the importance of utilising multiple digital channels as part of a unified strategy for reaching target audiences. It lays the groundwork for trainees to acquire a set of concepts and tools for digitally producing, distributing, and advertising goods and services.

This course is designed for anyone, whether they are business owners, freelancers, job seekers, working professionals, students, or stay-at-home moms. Internet use and familiarity are assumed if you own a smartphone or computer. It makes perfect sense to learn how to market yourself or your business online and start making money in this way. If that interests you, this course will teach you the fundamentals of digital marketing, so you can either launch your own online business or expand your current one.

Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing expert, you need to learn digital marketing. We are digital marketing course peshawar, Here at Quality fresh Training, we’ve made it easier and more enjoyable than ever to learn digital marketing, and it’s proven to boost everything from traffic and sales to bottom line profits and name recognition. SEO, Google AdWords, Freelancing, and Social Media Marketing are all areas that our experts can help you master.

Al Ain Digital Marketing Agency
Digital Marketing Overview 
Social Media Marketing 
Online Ads Strategies 
Display Advertising
Google Analytics 
Email Marketing 
Lead Generation and Marketing Analytics
Sales Funnels

10 Digital Marketing Modules()

Training Curriculum 10 Modules (digital marketing course peshawar)

Online Business Modules 

Online Store Business 

Affiliate Marketing 

Ecommerce  Business 



1        Digital Marketing Overview

What is marketing?

What is digital marketing?

Difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing

When to use digital marketing? Understanding digital marketing process

Increasing visibility of brand What is visibility?

Types of visibility? Examples

Bringing Traffic Inbound Outbound

Converting traffic into leads Sales funnels & conversions


Why retention is important? Types of retention

Evaluation performance using tools

2 Search Engine Optimization

o     What is SEO?

o     How Search Engines Work?

o     Understanding SERPs

o     Technical SEO, Onpage SEO & Offpage SEO (Relevance + SEO-friendliness & Popularity)

o     White hat SEO Vs Black Hat SEO Vs Grey Hat SEO

o     Introduction to Keywords

o     Keywords Research (Relevancy, Searches, Competition)

o     Long Tail Keywords Vs Short Tail Keywords

o     Keyword Clustering or Grouping of closely related keywords for every webpage

o     Keyword Cannibalization

o     Analyzing Competitor websites for Keywords (Spyfu)

o     On-Page SEO Optimization

o     Keywords Placement

o     Anatomy of a SEO friendly webpage

o     Descriptive URLs

o     Title (keyword + USP | Brand name)

o     Meta Description

o     Meta Keywords

o     Heading tags, h1,….h6

o     Contextual Internal Linking

o     Image Alt Tags

o    Technical SEO

o    Meta Robots (admin pages/ backend pages, private pages, duplicate pages, search pages, dynamic URLs)

o    Canonical Tags

o    Pagination Tags (WP-Paginate Plugin)

o    Canonicalization Factor

o   Redirects (301, 302, 404)

o    Robots.txt

o    Sitemap.xml

o    SEO related HTML Tags

o    Clean Indexation

o    WordPress SEO

o    Yoast SEO Plugin / rank math Plugin

o    Optimize webpages

o    301 redirects (plugins)

o    WP-Paginate (plugin)

o    Redirection (Plugin)

o    Social Media Markup (Facebook Open Graphs & Twitter Cards)

o    Google XML Sitemap Generator (Plugin)

o    Robots.txt (WP Robots txt)

o    Insert Header & Footer (Plugin)

o    WP Smush (Plugin)

o    WordPress SEO Continued…

o    Woocommerce Google Analytics Integration (Plugin)

o    External Links (Plugin)

o    Easy Https Redirection

o    Off-Page SEO

o    What are Backlinks?

o    Quantity, Quality & Relevance

o    Backlinks Profile: Relevance, Diversity and Velocity

o    Types of Backlinks

o    Dofollow VS Nofollow (rel=“nofollow”)

VS Mentions

o    How to Get Value from Nofollow Backlinks

o    Link Building Do’s & Don’ts

o    Natural Link Building (approx. 80% dofollow, rest nofollow & mentions)

o    Anchor Text Distribution

o    Pages Link Distribution

o    DA, PA, Link Juice (value)

o    Link Building Velocity

o    Freshness Factor

o    Anchor Text Distribution

o    Types of Backlinks

o    Search Engine Submissions

o    Top Local Business Listings

o    Top Directory Submissions

o    Top Article Directories

o    Niche Relevant Blog Comments

o    Niche Relevant Forum Posts

o    Top Microblogging sites

o    Top Q & A Websites

o    Top Infographics & Slideshare websites

o    Content Marketing (Guest Blogging, Content Syndication, Content rewriting)

o    .edu, .gov Backlinks

o    Social Profiles (Profile Link Building)

o    Top Video sharing websites

o    Social Media (Social Signals)

o    Web 2.0 (WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger) (30/70 ratio)

o    Blogging

o    One-tier Backlinks Vs Two-tier Backlinks

o    Types of Backlinks to AVOID

o    Private Blog Networks

o    Competitors Analysis and many more.

PPC&AdWords Marketing   

o    Understanding PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing

o    Overview of AdWords and Microsoft AdCenter

o    Understanding AdWords

o    Learning Account Structure

o    Campaigns, Ad groups, keywords, ads, etc.

o    Types of advertising campaign –Search, display campaign, shopping campaign and video campaign

o    Difference between search and display campaign

o    Understanding targeting options for both search and display campaigns

o    Understanding Adwords algorithm

o    How does Adwords rank ads on SERP

o    Understanding their adrank in detail

o    Understanding about quality score

o    Why QS (quality score) is important

o    What is CTR

o    Why CTR is important

o    Understanding bids

o    Learning all types of bids from flexible bidding to enhanced CPC.

o    Creating search campaigns

o    Types of search campaigns

o    Shopping campaign

o    Merchant center

o    Creating 1st Adwords search campaign

o    Setting targeting and keywords for the live campaign

o    Understanding location targeting

o    Setting bidding strategy

o    Making the campaign go live

o    Understanding bidding structure

o    Manual bidding

o    Auto bidding

o    Advanced level bidding strategies

o    Enchanced CPC

o    CPA (Cost per action)

o    What is flexible bidding

o    Advanced details about bidding strategies

o    Understanding ad extentions

o    Adding ad extentions in the campaigns

o    Creating adgroups

o    Creating adgroups using tools

o    Benefits of having adgroups

o    Understanding keywords

o    Using keyword planner

o    Finding relevant keywords

o    Types of keyword matches

o    Adding keywords in adgroups

o    Examples of keyword matches and their pros and cons

o    Creating ads

o    Understanding ad metrics

o    Display and destination URL

o    How to write a compelling ad copy and headline

o    Best and worst ad examples

o    Tracking performance of ads using conversions

o    What is a conversion?

o    What is conversion tracking?

o    How to setup conversion tracking

o    Adding tracking code on the destination website

o    Checking stats of conversions

o    How to keep track of goals

Optimization of Search campaigns

o    Important metrics to evaluate the campaigns

o    Importance of CTR

o    How to increase CTR of an ad

o    Relationship of CTR with CPC

o    Importance of QS

o    How to improve QS of an ad

o    How to analyze the performance of keywords

o    How to add negative keywords

o    Importance of adding negative keywords

o    How to decrease CPC

o    Analyzing competitors performance Creating Display campaigns

o    Types of display ad campaigns

o    Creating 1st display campaigns

o    Targeting options (placement, location and other options)

o    Ad-scheduling

o    Ad-delivery options

o    Using display planner tool

o    Creating banners

o    Uploading banners and size measurements Remarketing

Social Media Marketing(digital marketing course peshawar)  

o    What is social media?

o    Understanding the social media marketing concepts

o    How social media marketing is different

o    What is the single most important concept about social media marketing?

o    How to create Your Brand Story

o    Define Your Goals

o    Develop Audience Personas

o    Create a Journey Map for social media

o    Identify Key Channels

o    Develop a Content Strategy

o    Draft a Content Calendar

o    Plan Your Resources

o    Simply Measure

o    Creating a perfect content marketing plan:

o    Align

o    Publishing content

o    Branding

o    Direction

o    Support

o    Types of content on social media

o    Learning about Facebook Algorithm – EdgeRank

o    What is Edgerank

o    Calculation for edge rank

o    How to use EdgeRank to your benefit

o    Learning about optimization

o    How to Pay to Play

o    How to Share thumb stopping content

o    How to Use video & native content

o    How toEncourage engagement using unique ways

o    How to Post on trending topics

o    Facebook Business Manager

o    How to properly use and manage Facebook business manager

o    Strategy creation

o    How to generate Ideas

o    How to create a Flow

o    Which Channels to use

o    How to do Budgeting

o    How to do Profiling – Interests

o    How to create a backup Plan

o    Approval

o    Facebook marketing (Both Organic and Paid ads)

o    Understanding Facebook Marketing

o    Practical Exercise

o    Creating a page

o    Adding contacts

o    Posting on the wall

o    Increasing likes the legitimate way

o    How to do marketing on a Facebook page

o    Fans engagement

o    Tools and applications for increasing engagement on your FB page

o    Understanding the key metrics on your Facebook page

o    Understanding blind posts

o    Best practices for posting

o    Practical Exercise

o    Creating a Facebook advertisement

o    Understanding Power editor

o    Difference between boosting a post and running a PPE advertisement

o    Adding a Credit card for billing and understanding billing

o    Best practices for posting

o    Practical Exercise

o    Learning every objective of Facebook advertisement

o    Setting budget

o    Targeting audience

o    Using audience insights

o    How to properly use re-targeting

o    Learning custom audiences

o    How to create sequences

o    How to properly use retargeting for your business

o    How to work with Facebook Pixels

o    How to use Facebook pixels to maximize sales and conversions

o    How to make Facebook Pixels strong so they work in your favour

o    Running paid advertisements on other major social media networks

o    Twitter

o    Both paid advertising and organic marketing

o    Linkedin

o    Both paid advertising and organic marketing

Mobile Marketing

o    Mobile app monetization

o    Understanding app monetization

o    Business models for apps

o    How to successfully monetize an app

o    Mobile app marketing

o    How to market your app on both iOS and Google Play

o    How to do both free marketing for your app

o    How to do paid marketing for your app

o    How to increase rating

o    How to increase reviews for your app

o    How to increase the ranking on app search results

Display advertising

o    What is display advertising

o    Types of display advertising

o    Display advertising

o    Banner ads

o    Rich media ads

o    Pop-up ads

o    Contextual advertising

o    In text ads

o    Image ads

o    In video ads

o    In page ads

o    Creating an effective banner ad

o    Components of a successful ad

o    Where to run banner ads

o    How to set targeting and location for display advertising

Email Marketing

o    What is email marketing

o    Types of email marketing

o    Solicited email marketing

o    Un-solicited email marketing

o    Creating an account on an auto-responder (ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, Infusionsoft)

o    Creating a list, campaign and managing contacts

o    Integrating list with forms

o    Building an email list

o    Creating a landing page with working form to generate leads 24/7

o    Opt-in marketing

o    Opt-in marketing process

o    Setting up auto-responder account

o    How to manage auto-responder

o    How to schedule emails

o    How to track and measure emails

o    How to optimize email delivery

o    Best practices of opt-in email marketing

o    How to schedule emails for best results

o    How to create campaigns for different types of goals

o    Working with automations

o    How to create sequences of emails for multiple purposes

o    Cart abandonment

o    Purchasers

o    Email sign

o    How to create proper site-tracking with auto- responders

Lead Generation 

o    Understanding the concept of lead generation

o    Why lead generation is important for business?

o    What does a qualified lead means for a business?

o    Understanding landing pages

o    Understanding sales funnels

o    Landing page vs website

o    Why having landing page is important for business

o    Fundamentals of a landing page

o    How to improve the conversion of a landing page

o    What does a conversion mean?

o    How to do A/B testing of a landing page

o    Practical exercise – Creating your own landing page

o    Best and worst landing page examples

o    Understanding sales funnel important and the important of testing and tweaking the funnel

o    Converting leads into sales

o    Creating lead nurturing strategy

o    Use of email marketing in the sales funnel

o    Example of thank-you pages and types of funnels

Ecommerce Marketing

o    What is Ecommerce?

o    Top Ecommerce websites in Pakistan and around the globe and their business models

o    Difference between Ecommerce CMS and shopping cart

o    Logistics and courier companies

o    How to setup Ecommerce online store

o    How to find profitable products for your store

o    Difference between niche store and mega store

o    How to deal with wholesalers

o    How to sell products on the online store using Ecommerce marketing(digital marketing course peshawar)

o    How to do SEO for an Ecommerce store

o    How to start your own online store business in Pakistan that generates income everyday using both niche store model and mega store model

 Affiliate Marketing

o    Fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing

o    Affiliate network platforms

o    How to pick, analyze and validate your niche

o    Keyword research process

o    Content process

o    Audience awareness

o    How to make authority content

o    How to write a perfect affiliate product review

o    How to get relevant niche specific backlinks

o    How to properly create landing pages

o    A/B testing of landing pages

o    How to analyze landing pages performance

o    How I generated 1071 targeted leads using email marketing automation

o    How to use chatbots for affiliate promotion

o    How to use Facebook ads for Affiliate marketing

o    Types of Facebook ads for affiliate marketing

o    Utilization of chat-bots for affiliate marketing


o    Learn the importance of sales funnels

o    Example of sales funnels

o    How to setup your own sales funnel for your product/service based business

o    Step-by-Step process of creating an effective sales funnel that generates cash/sales on autopilot


o    What is Google analytics

o    Why to use Google analytics?

o    Learning the structure of Google analytics

o    Find best performing pages of your website from Google analytics

o    Finding the traffic sources

o    Analyzing pages of your website on GA

o    Function of custom reports

o    How to use custom reports

o    How to make a custom report

o    Ecommerce tracking from GA

o    Setting up goals and conversion values on GA

o    Analyzing audience from GA

o    Best practices of using GA for your business


o    What is blogging?

o    How a business benefits from blogging

o    Finding blogging niche

o    Which category to blog on?

o    Developing a blogging schedule

o    Types of blogs

o    News Blogs

o    PR Blogs

o    Knowledge Blogs

o    Authority blogs

o    Creating authority using blogs

o    Ways of monetizing a blog

o    How to become an authority blogger in your niche

o    Real-life examples of successful blogs and reverse engineering their tactics


o    What is freelancing?

o    What are freelancing websites?

o    How to setup accounts on these websites

o    How to setup attractive profiles on freelancing websites

o    How to bid on projects that will more likely to be accepted

o    Ways to getting clients on freelancing websites

o    How to deal with clients after getting the work

o    Best practices of freelancing

      Develop Online Ad. Strategy

(Sub Module: Social Media Marketing)

Building an Effective Online Advertising Strategy

Learn copywriting to boost your conversion

o    Creating a perfect customer avatar

o    Types of copy

o    How to write different type of copy

o    Writing copy for Facebook ads

o    Writing copy for product reviews

o    Writing copy for headlines

o    Writing copy for product descriptions

o    How to structure a product review article

o    How to properly structure features and benefits of your service or product that compels your prospects to purchase

o    How to write as a credible source

o    How to write copy that triggers emotions in your readers mind and results in sales

o    Power words that generate sales

o    Working on real-life examples and many more in digital marketing course peshawar.